Lets get started.. HNY 'Meet Me In The Trees' (2008)

Around 2010 it seemed that handmade, self produced cdrs (and handmade cassettes) had given way to professional cassettes. Occasionally at a show someone would hand me a cdr coated with a layer of spray paint, but as the years went on these artifacts became increasingly rare.
The what's and why's of this I'll spare you, but with this blog I hope to encourage a resurgence in the lost dark arts of d.i.y. cdr releases.  I'll also promote the brave souls who dare to engage in these creative pursuits when the opportunity arises. 
No silly 'thumbs up / thumbs down' reviews either,  just strictly media and medium.
So with that said, lets get started..


HNY  'Meet Me In The Trees' (2010)

HNY is Heather Young from Social Junk. I haven't found anything about this release on Discogs

The envelope is made from a folded page from what looks like a book on  neurochemistry.

Check out Social Junk on bandcamp

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